2019 Water Main Replacements

Valley County Water District 


Valley County Water District (District) released its plan for 2019 capital improvement projects (CIP)  involving their water systems specifically targeting the water mains. The project was completed in 9 phases. Civiltec has previously worked with Valley County Water District on CIP water main projects each year since 2011. Our previous projects provided reliable facilities for the District’s 75,000 residents. To read more about this pursuit read our previous article depicting our longstanding work with Valley County Water District.

Based on our previous work, our team was well aware of how to handle this next batch of projects brought to our attention at the end of 2018. Our team was awarded the 9-phase projects and quickly got to work on the design and construction of Phases 1 through 4 of the capital improvement program (CIP) water main replacements for the Valley County Water District. The design for the 2019 CIP’s first few phases consists of 15,800 linear feet of pipeline replacement and permitting in the cities of Baldwin Park, West Covina, Irwindale, and Azusa. We also provided bidding and construction support services. After those Phases were to a good transition point our team switched gears and has since completed phases 5-9. Phases 5-9 include the following streets Havenbrook Street, Ardilla Avenue, Channing Street, Willow Lane, and Dexter Avenue equipped with 8-inch pipelines approximately a total of 7,514 feet. The completed design and design consisted of over 29,000 linear feet of 8-inch and 12-inch ductile iron pipe replacement with service connections, fire hydrants, and street improvements. 

Project Manager, David Song, PE has been working with the District since 2012 and continues to enjoy each exciting new project. This specific project could not have been completed without Omner Meza our lead designer! Big thank you to Omner for overseeing the design with keen attention to detail it’s with your help we are able to assure top quality is achieved for our clients.

Civiltec continues to enjoy a healthy working relationship with Valley County Water District as its solesourced civil engineer. Civiltec also serves in a district engineer role for Valley County Water District and has provided them with oncall, as-needed civil engineering services since 1998. Projects have included potable water pipelines, pump stations, wells, reservoirs, water master planning, and hydraulic modeling and analysis.