Supplying services to the public is an increasingly difficult mission complicated by stricter regulatory requirements and increasing costs.

Civiltec assists clients with all aspects of water resource facility planning and design by providing cost effective solutions to meet the demands of the ever-changing needs of communities.
Service Areas
- Above-ground Steel & Concrete Reservoirs
- Asset Management/Life-Cycle Analysis
- Basin Management
- Booster Pump Stations
- Buried and Partially Buried Reservoirs
- Capital Improvement Plans
- Fire Protection
- Groundwater and Aquifer Investigations
- Hydropneumatic and Variable Frequency Drives
- Imported Water Turnouts
- Large Diameter Transmission Lines
- Master Plans
- Metering and Flow Control Structures
- Modeling and Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping
- Operation and Maintenance Support
- PFAS Mitigation
- Pipelines
- Plan Reviews
- Recharge Facilities
- Regulatory Permitting and Compliance
- Rehabilitations
- Specialty Valving
- Surge Analysis
- Tanks
- Telemetry and SCADA Systems
- Treatment Systems and Facilities
- Urban Water Management Plans
- Water Audits and Certifications
- Water Quality
- Wells
- District (Agency) Engineer
- Surveying and Mapping
- Construction Management, Observation and Staking
Delivering professional engineering, surveying and construction management solutions through communication, innovation and quality service.