Civiltec has a long and successful history in partnering with the California Domestic Water Company (CDWC). Over the years, the team has had the opportunity to work together on many projects, including a multi-phased transmission pipeline project and, later, the relocation of the CDWC’s “M” Line. Civiltec greatly enjoys the working relationship that it has developed with CDWC and its staff.
Most recently, CDWC contracted Civiltec to replace its existing Well No. 2, which has been declining in production. The current well was drilled to a depth of 806 feet in 1964 and the existing 20-inch diameter casing has been perforated in multiple areas.
The new well designed by Civiltec will supply 3,200 gallons per minute (gpm) of groundwater production within a 24-inch casing and a total depth of 800 to 1,000 feet. This new well will be located on CDWC owned property at the Bassett Wellfield on the west bank on the San Gabriel River.
Aside from drilling the new well, the project scope includes program management, well equipping design, construction management, inspection, and contacting the State Water Resources Control Board to determine if the well requires a Drinking Water Source Assessment. Civiltec additionally teamed with Jordan Kear of Kear Groundwater to provide hydrogeology, construction management and inspection services, and Connor Harmon of Best Drilling and Pump, Inc. for the drilling and well installation.
David Song leads the team as Project Manager. Terry Kerger serves as QA/QC manager and Charlie Devine is the Staff Engineer. David Song was the program manager for the well-drilling design and drilling phase, including project permitting. He worked extensively with CDWC President Lynda Noriega, CDWC Water Superintendent Che Venegas, and CDWC CPA Myra Evangelista.
The project kicked off in March 2017, but was put on hold until January 2018. The well drilling design was completed in June 2018. Following that, the drilling phase started in August 2018 and was completed in November 2018. The team completed the well equipping design in February 2019. Civiltec began construction for equipping the well in March 2018; this phase is expected be completed in May 2019.