Civiltec has delivered a full replacement of an existing pump station for the Valencia Heights Water Company (VHWC). Established in 1912, VHWC is a Mutual Water Company that provides water service to portions of the unincorporated area of Covina, in addition to portions of the City of Covina and West Covina.
The project scope included replacing the pump station located at the company’s Reservoir #2 site, as well as its 14” main transmission pipeline, in order to better serve VHWC’s communities. The original pump station consisted of two pumps which drew water from the adjacent reservoir. The 1,500 linear foot pipeline, which also connects to the reservoir, extended through six private properties, including one with numerous landscape features and a pool.
Civiltec replaced the two older horizontal pumps with three vertical turbine pumps that hold a similar capacity. In order to limit the downtime of the station and reservoir, the two contractors were selected to work on Pipeline and Pump Station Replacement project. The rehabilitation of the existing pump station was performed in the low demand time and put the pump station back in service as soon as the pump station installation completed.
While replacing the transmission main, the team designed a new space for the pipe to connect directly to the pump station and Reservoir #2. Additionally, Civiltec was responsible for implementing site improvements, building a new structure to house the pumps, and designing the electrical systems and new controls systems associated with the pump operation and construction management.
For this project, Shem Hawes served as Principal-in-Charge and Bed Dawadi led the day-to-day operations as Project Manager. They were supported by Charlie Devine, Jorge Martinez, and Jenny Tsan.
Check out some photos from the construction process: