Civiltec Engineering has had a long and successful history in working with Coconino County. Since 2003, the firm has delivered numerous studies, design, and construction projects for the County. Recently, the County selected Civiltec to complete an analysis of the off-site drainage that will impact a new road improvement project on Burris Lane.
Burris Lane experienced significant flooding during three large storms in Summer 2013. For this project, Civiltec will study those flooding events and design hydrologic and hydraulic models to showcase how the proposed improvements will affect the area.
Burris Lane is located downstream of Highway 89, with two “T” street intersections on the north side at Green Prairie Lane and Masters Lane. Based on the existing FLO-2D modeling in the area, it appears that Green Prairie Lane directs runoff from the watershed north of Burris Lane south towards Burris Lane, resulting in higher flows than the roadside ditches can accommodate.
The team will perform modeling on existing conditions as well as on the proposed improvements as the project develops through 60% / 90% / 100% completion phases. The purpose of the latter modeling is to check if the proposed improvements are changing the downstream flow patterns on the Coconino National Forest property. Lastly, Civiltec will give special consideration to the preparation and maintenance of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to limit the impacts of the United States Forest Service land.
Backed by firsthand experience with the County, Chris Dusza will lead the project design and analysis as Project Manager. Andy Shroads will support him as the Lead Project Engineer. The project is slated to start in July 2017 and Civiltec anticipates that the project will be completed around July 2018.