Andrew Shroads is a Project Engineer with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. He is excited to continue learning and advancing his engineering and management skillsets through expert training as well as working on civil engineering projects with Civiltec.
Mr. Shroads started working at Civiltec as a part-time intern in 2004 while attending school. During his internship, he was exposed to many different aspects of Civiltec, including: general civil design, traffic analysis, CAD drafting, and field surveying. Shroads was grateful for the experience, especially field survey, where he learned how to collect the data for engineering design and how to translate engineering design into construction stakes so that the design could be constructed.
From 2005 to 2011, Mr. Shroads attended the University of Arizona where he earned both his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in 2009 and Master of Science in Civil Engineering in 2011, focusing on the study of Water Resources, Hydraulics, and Hydrology. As an undergraduate, he was very involved with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter and even served as conference coordinator for one year, where he planned and coordinated a trip to Hawaii for 30 students to participate in the Pacific Southwest Conference. As part of his Master’s program, Mr. Shroads worked with the University as a Research Assistant and was Team Lead for the design and construction of a pilot scale solar desalination plant. In addition, he developed a valuable computer model for the analysis of salt solubility in zero liquid discharge processes.
In 2011, Mr. Shroads began full-time employment with Civiltec and is currently a Project Engineer. He is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) and Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM), and is currently participating in the Leadership in Engineering Administration Program (LEAP) presented by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Arizona. This program has been teaching him valuable management skills that he has already been implementing into his work environment.
Mr. Shroads has been involved in many projects throughout the entire state of Arizona, including the Schultz Area Flood Mitigation in Coconino County and the Deck Park Tunnel Drainage Improvements in Phoenix. His experience includes: developing improvement plans, specifications, and cost estimating, large storm water recharge basins, storm drain hydraulic modeling, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling with HEC-1 and FLO-2D, hydraulic modeling of drainage structures, ponds, and rivers, water and sewer plans, water master plan analysis, utility coordination, GIS processing, preparation of area master drainage plans, grading and drainage plans, highway improvements plans, roadway design, and implementation of QA/QC procedures.