Well 22 Piping Modifications

City of Corona



The City of Corona awarded Civiltec the Well 22 Piping Modifications Project. The goal of this is the replacement an existing control valve and associated equipment due to the maintenance frequency, vibration, and noise generated from the valve as well as to resolve drainage issues at the site. The City of Corona extracts water from three subbasins. Temescal Subbasin, Coldwater Subbasin, and Bedford Subbasin use multiple wells in order to blend the City’s collection system. Within the systems sit the two Common Well control valves that control the flow and pressure from the wells. The Common Well 22 control valve is a critical facility for the operation of the city’s well conveyance system for treatment and blending. The existing valve is a control valve utilized to control piping flow and reduce pressure from groundwater extracted from Wells 11A, 12A, 14, 15, and 27 with maximum flow anticipated through the valve is 2,450 gallons per minute with an approximate maximum pressure of 90 pounds per square inch (psi) on the inlet side and minimum 15 psi on the outlet side resulting in a 75 psi pressure drop. 

The selection of a Bailey Valve is to control flow and pressure to the conveyance system, grading, and drainage improvements, and construction phases to ensure any shutdowns are minimized was replaced and coupled with a new magnetic flowmeter, isolation gate valves, air vacuum/release valve, piping, and fittings. Our team added new electrical and control conduits and wiring to new equipment and instrumentation as well as replaced existing fencing and gates with new steel fencing and a new manual gate. Relocations consisted of an existing fire hydrant for better accessibility. We also added a concrete pad for above-ground piping and a new Hot Box insulated enclosure. Lastly, the scope of this project included the preparation of a preliminary design memorandum, technical memorandum, complete plans, specifications, and estimate package ready for bidding and construction support services.