The Town of Prescott Valley has contracted Civiltec Engineering to provide professional engineering and surveying services for a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) to expand their current water storage system. The expansion includes the design of a 2.0 Million Gallon (MG) tank dubbed “Stoneridge Tank” and a 3.0 MG tank dubbed “Summit 2 Tank” within Town limits.
The Stoneridge Tank is a 2.0 MG welded steel tank located in the Stoneridge subdivision/pressure zone area, and will supplement an existing 2.0 MG tank located about one mile from the new Stoneridge Tank site. The Town authorized a separate construction phase services contract amendment in May of 2019 for observations, RFI’s, submittals, construction changes, staking, as-built plan preparation and final closeout for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality operational permitting. The Stoneridge Tank is currently under construction and is approximately 70% complete. It is anticipated to be finished and brought into service in early Spring 2020.
The Summit 2 Tank is a 3.0 MG prestressed concrete tank that will provide additional potable water storage to the center-west portion of the Town. The tank is at a 95% level of completion and will be located adjacent to an existing 1.0 MG welded steel tank on an Arizona State Land parcel on Glassford Hill. It is currently going through an Arizona State Land Department review for possible amendments to the existing right of way to construct the tank. The Summit 2 Tank is anticipated to be complete by the end of 2020. The two projects are being separately designed and bid under a single Civiltec design contract.
Prescott Branch Manager Richard Aldridge is the Principal Engineer on the project with assistance from Ray Buettner, Mark Myers, Ken Davidson, Ben Tilman and Jesse Tilman.