Civiltec is once again partnering with the City of Los Angeles for a project at the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Plant (DCTWRP). Civiltec had previously worked with the City to build the plant – the City’s first design-build project. The team was tasked with brainstorming streamlined solutions to stay on a fast track for completion and delivered an organized design for efficient construction while navigating the natural obstacles of a highly regulated process.
For this new effort, Civiltec is in the process of testing ozone as a disinfectant. The proposed ozone solution will be used to destroy contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in effluent or waste currently produced by the DCTWRP.
The process includes drawing water from the rapid mixing basin on the east side of the treatment plant and bringing it to an existing fenced-in area which formerly contained large filtration units. In this area, various systems will provide the treatment to ozonate the effluent, process the water, and de-gas the effluent. Product water will be passed from DCTWRP via the Balboa Pump Station through an existing five-mile pipeline to the Hansen Spreading Grounds.
Civiltec developed the ozone generation capacity and doses with the help of two Treatability Study Reports. The proposed system produces 10 millions of gallons per day (MGD), with the ozone generator producing 376 pounds of ozone per day. The team will design the ozone generator’s maximum dose to be 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L), above the system requirement of 4.5 mg/L.
Shem Hawes is leading the team’s efforts as Project Manager. He is supported by Bed Dawadi, Sky Younger, Jorge Martinez, and Jenny Chan.
The Ozone Demonstration Study kicked off in August 2018. Final designs and specifications are scheduled to be completed by December 2019.