The Kachina Village Improvement District (Flagstaff, Arizona) has contracted with the Phoenix Civiltec Engineering office for the design of a new secondary clarifier at their existing wastewater treatment plant. The project involves the retrofit of an existing aerobic digester into a second clarifier for operational flexibility.
A new above-ground aerobic digester is being designed to maintain the wastewater treatment process as originally designed. The lack of the second clarifier has been problematic for operations staff for the past several years. Once completed, the new clarifier will outperform the existing clarifier resulting in improved treated effluent quality. In a subsequent fiscal year, KVID plans on rehabilitating the existing clarifier as well.
The project is on track to produce 95% drawings and specifications by December 1st, 2016. A local Phoenix area contractor has already been selected by KVID and is involved in the design process as well. The project will be constructed in stages so that the plant can remain in operation during the construction activities.
This project complies with one of the items identified in the KVID Wastewater Master Plan, which Civiltec prepared. The Phoenix office is supported by CADD staff members in Civiltec’s Prescott office.