Mountain Dell (southwest of Flagstaff in Coconino County, Arizona) is Civiltec’s latest flood mitigation project. The firm will use a combination of topographic survey, right-of-way location, and base map preparation to improve drainage and flooding mitigation throughout Mountain Dell’s residential area.
This project will also thoroughly incorporate community input. Civiltec plans to facilitate numerous public and resident meetings, providing community members with the opportunity to gain insights into the various details associated with this project. Moreover, the meetings will allow residents to voice their opinions and ask questions. The input gained from these sessions will inform decisions on the locations and extents of both drainage easements and temporary construction easements. Residents will work directly with the County and the project team, crafting a developmental plan backed by the community.
The Initial Engineering Assessment (IEA) for Mountain Dell is nearly complete. It details recommendations for channel improvements for the Sinclair Wash, which will positively impact residents living in the area. These the proposed improvements are designed to handle a “100-year flood” (a flood event that has a 1% probability of occurring in any given year) peak discharge.
The Civiltec team, led by Chris Dusza, includes Andrew Shroads, Doug Terrill, Ken Davidson, and Ben Tilman. Civiltec began working on this project in August 2016 and aims to finalize deliverables before Spring 2017.
Below are additional photos taken of the area’s recent flooding.