In December of 2013, Civiltec wrapped up a project for the San Antonio Water Company (SAWC) in Upland
In 2012, the SAWC Board of Directors decided to redevelop their water diversion control boxes to increase accessibility and security. Civiltec Engineering was called in January of 2013 to conduct a study of the existing water diversion control boxes, design new water diversion structures, improve potable water disinfectant facility, boost accessibility and security, prepare a base map for the project, project permit submittal, construction management, construction inspection and survey quality control checks.
Along with Project Manger David Byrum and Project Engineer terry Kerger, the Civiltec team included Charles Devine (as Design Engineer) and Jenny Tsan (as Drafter).
Throughout the project, the Civiltec team worked closely with Charles Moorrees, General Manager of the San Antonio Water Company, as well contractors on the project: Pacific Hydrotech and KSM Electrical. Upon completion of the project, a plaque was dedicated to commemorate the work that was done.