Civiltec delivered design plans and specifications for the construction of 12,000 square feet of 5-foot sidewalk, 2,100 linear feet of curb and gutter improvements, 4 curb ramps, drainage improvements, asphalt repair, and chip seal for the Town of Dewey-Humboldt. The Arizona Department of Housing provided the Town with a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to fund this project. With Civiltec’s assistance, the sidewalk improvements now provide a safe, off-street walking path to Humboldt Elementary School, improving the quality and functionality of Hill Street for residents and visitors alike.
Civiltec met with the Town to review the site and discuss anticipated improvements and potential observed challenges to the design after completion of a topographic survey. Design phases for this project went through a series of submittals and reviews, all with associated construction cost estimates. Civiltec also assisted the Town with the management of the bidding process and construction of the project. Our team provided periodic site visits and field reports of the work observed and directions given to the Contractor.
Civiltec’s top-notch technical staff are well adept with CDBG funded projects and the climate and construction constraints of northern Arizona, which facilitated the work within this roadway project. Civiltec Project Manager, Richard Aldridge, previously provided the design and construction management for the Huron Street Sidewalks and Blue Hills Farm No. 3 Roadway and Drainage Improvements CDBG project for the Town of Dewey-Humboldt. The Civiltec team for this project also included the talents of Raymond Buettner for project design and our survey crew consisting of Ben Tillman, Jesse Tillman and Ken Davidson.