Arlington Well Treated Water Line Begins Servicing California American Water Clients
In October of 2017, Civiltec began the design of 2,500 linear feet of new 12-inch pipeline to convey water from the newly installed California American Water nitrate treatment system to the existing Baldwin Hills water system in Los Angeles. A year later, California American Water added a second phase with 1,500 linear feet of new 12-inch pipe to deliver raw water from the 48th street well to the new Arlington well treatment facility. Design finished in July 2019 and construction commenced ending in December of 2020. “That was just” as David Song, Project Manager said, “where the work had only just begun.”
He refers to the project as “interesting and challenging as we had to obtain a permit from the Los Angeles Department of Transportation and submit traffic control plans for approval as well.” In order to obtain the necessary permits for construction, the team had to meet with the Transportation Construction and Traffic Management Committee from the Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering. During these meetings, of which there were several due to the amount of approval necessary to obtain permits, David Song would present the project to the committee in its entirety. Sometimes he was accompanied by California American Water’s project manager, Matt Lasecki and the two would present to the committees. As of July 2022, California American Water received all necessary permits including the permit to operate the treatment facility.
“Civiltec was able to provide solid designs and water solutions on something challenging through the hard work of the whole team, Omner Meza (Design) and Chris Duncan (Surveying), Matt Lasecki (California American Water),” to name a few. David Song also said, “I look forward to working more within the City of Los Angeles and navigating through the many different departments. While challenging, it is also interesting. I can’t wait for the next opportunity.”
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- Construction