Well 17A Emergency Generator
City of Corona
The City of Corona received a grant from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services under the Community Power Resiliency Allocation to Cities Program for the preparation of a comprehensive needs assessment, risk analysis, and prioritized implementation plan. The Community Power Resiliency Allocation to Cities Program supports California cities in the preparation and response to power outages. Additionally, this program is in place to provide grants to support critical infrastructure focusing on public safety, vulnerable communities, and individuals with access and functional needs. Corona utilized this grant money to generate funds to study its infrastructure and come up with a list of necessary improvements. Corona then approved using the remaining funds towards the purchase of a generator, enclosure, and fuel tank for Well 17A and the Ion Exchange Treatment Plant. This is where the Civiltec team comes in to help assist with both water and in-house electrical and control engineering services.
The primary goal of the project was to equip Well 17A and the adjacent Ion Exchange Treatment Plant with its new emergency diesel generator. This enclosed project area will include the pre-purchased 400 kW Quinn/CAT emergency generator with a particulate filter, a 2,000-gallon detached circular diesel fuel tank, an automatic transfer switch, and a sound enclosure for the generator. Separate reinforced concrete foundations will be designed to place the enclosed generator and fuel tank. Additional upgrades will include remedial grading for the new foundations and a large concrete driveway approaching the street. This will provide ease of access for maintenance and refilling. Other improvements include the installation of new fencing, a rolling gate, and the new 600-amp circuit to the new generator consisting of two sets of three 350 kcmil copper cables and one #1 AWG ground cable in a 3-inch polyvinyl chloride conduit. Control and instrumentation cables are installed to provide the generator start command, miscellaneous generator alarms and fuel tank level signals back to the existing SCADA control panel. Our team also provided the preparation of a preliminary design memorandum, complete plans, specifications, and estimate package ready for bidding and construction support services.
Project Manager David Song, PE led the rest of our team to a successful project completion. Heber Torres, PE led the electrical aspect of the project with the help of Vincent Wong, EIT, and Julia Padilla. This team also included the following key members: Chris Duncan, PLS providing surveying services and engineering efforts from Sanjay Verma, PE, and Atenas Reynaga, EIT.