Civiltec Engineering has been selected by the Town of Dewey-Humboldt to perform professional design services for street improvements around Hill Street. The project is funded by the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program through the Arizona Department of Housing and places priority on improvements on Humboldt Street to complete a safe connection between Hill Street and Humboldt Elementary School.
The first phase of the project includes curb and drainage improvements, asphalt replacement and sidewalk improvements to the Hill Street and Humboldt Drive intersection. Drainage improvements will also be conducted on Kloss Avenue in order to better manage stormwater flow. Depending on available project funding, the second phase of the project could include street improvement priorities for the following elements:
- Extend the Hill Street improvements approximately 600’ north from the Hill Street/Humboldt Drive intersection, along the east side of the roadway, with curbs, asphalt replacement, a sidewalk and drainage swales.
- Improve the drainage on Kloss Avenue to provide adequate infrastructure to manage stormwater flowing to the east toward Bailey Hill Road area from Hill Street. This is required to avoid stormwater runoff damage to the properties at the north end of Hill Street.
- Additional priorities as ultimately determined by the Town for this project after completion of the topographic survey and a review of the remaining construction budget.
Implementation of this project will improve the overall infrastructure of the Town and mitigate safety issues at the Hill Street and Humboldt Drive intersection. In particular, the completion of a safe connection between Hill Street and Humboldt Elementary School will allow students to use the sidewalk instead of walking directly on the street.
Richard Aldridge from Civiltec’s Prescott office will be the Principal Engineer and Project Manager for this project. The project is expected to be completed by Fall 2020.