Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency has engaged Civiltec for professional engineering services for the design of portions of the potable water system within the Skyline Ranch Development. The development project, consisting of 1200 new homes and recreational centers, was initiated in 2013 with planning efforts, hydraulic modeling, and production of a Technical Memorandum. Since that time, SCVWA and Civiltec staff have been working hand-in-hand with the developer to schedule design and construction of new reservoirs, new pump stations and new distribution and transmission pipelines. Here is a recap of our planning and engineering activities:
- Produced the original Technical Memorandum and hydraulic analysis. All new facilities were sized. Three existing pressure zones were expanded, and one new pressure zone was created.
- Various hydraulic scenarios have been evaluated to assist the developer with phasing the construction of homes.
- Design of new 16” and 20” transmission pipelines on Sierra Highway and Skyline Ranch Road.
- Design of 16” and 20” pipes crossing a new bridge on Skyline Ranch Road.
- Design of over 40,000 LF of 6”, 8” and 12” distribution mains.
- Design of two new steel 0.87 MG steel tanks and site improvements on the Skyline Ranch site along with a 16” transmission pipeline from the development to the site.
- Preliminary design of two 2.5 MG steel tank on the Deane site.
- Preliminary design of the Skyline Ranch Booster Pump Station.
- Pending design of a new chloramination station on the Deane tank site.
- Study of feasible reservoir types for the Deane tanks, steel vs concrete.
Civiltec President David Byrum is the Principal Engineer on the project with assistance from Senior Project Manager David Song on water system design efforts and Staff Engineer Gretel Ochoa on planning effort and hydraulic modeling.