On the afternoon of July 18, 2018, a large rainfall event occurred in the North Schultz Fire scar. The Thames and Peaceful Way watersheds received the largest rainfall totals. Approximately 6- inches of rain occurred within a 2-hour period. This rainfall event exceeds the 1,000-year rainfall recurrence interval. Prior to the July 18, 2018 rainfall event, these watersheds received approximately 5-inches of total rainfall from storm events on July 14 and 16, 2018.
The Thames watershed contributes runoff to the Brandis Way area. This area was subject to repeated flooding immediately after the Schultz fire in 2010. Subsequently, flood mitigation improvements were designed and constructed in 2012/2013. Runoff from the July 18, 2018 storm event exceeded the capacity of the improvements along Brandis Way.
Following the July 18 storm event, Civiltec worked with Coconino County and Tiffany Construction to immediately begin temporary repairs to the drainage system to restore stormwater conveyance through the neighborhood.
Subsequently, Civiltec completed the 30% design for the permanent repairs and worked with Coconino County to secure emergency funding for the construction of the permanent repairs. The emergency funding has been obtained and Civiltec is currently working on the 90% design. Construction is scheduled for Spring 2019.