DJI Phantom 4 Pro Plus – PRESCOTT
How did you end up in Arizona?
When I learned I was coming to Arizona, I wanted to fly there directly! But I ended up hitching a ride with one of my bigger cousins, a Robinson R22 based at Guidance Aviation at the Prescott Airport.
What drew you to working for Civiltec? What do you like best about working at Civiltec?
I wanted a job where I would get out of the case often, because I don’t like to sit around all the time. I love working outside, and racking up the flight time! I also love the variety with Civiltec; one job may be freezing in Flagstaff, and the next will be on the California coastline!
I also like knowing that what I am doing is helping people!
What are some of your favorite types of projects to work on?
I like projects with a lot of flight time, the more the better, so big jobs are the best! I’ve flown water tank sites on the side of an extinct volcano, pump sites in the desert, and floodways at 7000 foot elevation, and they’re all fun!
What advice do you have for aspiring drones?
Be ready to work hard, and make sure you check every box on your pre-flight checklist every flight! You don’t want to fall out of that beautiful big sky.
When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time?
I do lots of planning for the next flight, laying flight paths and checking for obstructions, flight restriction zones, that kind of thing. I also keep a log of my flight hours; I’m hoping someday to have a record to be proud of!