Civiltec’s wastewater expertise has been called upon once again for a wastewater treatment plant for a 200,000-square-foot facility in San Diego County. Shem Hawes is overseeing the project, which began in July 2015. Bed Dawadi (Lead Project Engineer), Brian Sandona (Project Engineer), Charlie Devine (Staff Engineer/Designer), and Jorge Martinez (Designer) are all contributing to the project.
“This is a design-build project for a private developer and we’re projected to finish in March 2016,” said Shem. “The structural design was completed in early August, then we initiated building the concrete basin structures. The whole team has been doing a great job, especially considering that we had to deliver plans for the plant’s initial structural components within a tight three-week timeframe.”
The team designed and is currently building an entire structure from the ground, up (see the groundbreaking photo above). This wastewater treatment plant project required structural design as well as configurations for all the water treatment equipment. The plant will house a membrane bio-reactor to treat high-strength wastewater in order to remove biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), while ensuring the recycled use water meets Title 22 requirements for total nitrogen concentrations.