Civiltec has been selected to design a treatment system for the City of Santa Fe Springs that will provide residents with cleaner, clearer drinking water. The City of Santa Fe Springs is currently experiencing iron, hydrogen sulfide and color issues in their Well No. 12 water.
Civiltec’s plan for the system will address each of these issues and include the installation of a new set of pipelines to intercept these lines outside the building before the distribution system. The Civiltec team will use their expertise to ensure the project runs smoothly with no interruption to existing facilities. Project team members include: Shem Hawes as the Principal, Bed Dawadi as the Project Manager, David Byrum as the QA/QC Manager, Nicholas Brethorst as the Project Engineer, and Aleena Ali as the Junior Engineer.
The project commenced on August 15, 2016. The plans are expected to be complete in December 2016, construction is on pace to start in February 2017, and the project should be completed in the summer of 2017.
Once this new treatment plant is constructed, the City will be able to produce potable water that would meet DDW requirements, while improving the aesthetics of the water by removing color and hydrogen sulfide. As part of the treatment system, a filtration system will be installed to remove oxidized hydrogen sulfide, color, iron and manganese.
“At Civiltec, our team is always looking for opportunities to support public entities in their pursuit of maintaining a safe and reliable water supply by utilizing numerous years of experience and evolving, state-of-the-art technology,” said Project Manager Bed Dawadi. “We are also proud to know that, once the treatment system is in operation, we will have made a direct, positive impact on the City—not only on a financial basis, but also on its water source by curtailing expensive imported water with a local, dependable and cost-effective water source.”