Awarded Bath Well Potable Water Treatment Plant
City of San Jacinto
This is Civiltec’s first project for the City of San Jacinto! We are very excited to break into the area and start off servicing their water system. The project includes the development of plans, specifications, and estimates for the potable water treatment plant at San Jacinto’s Bath Well site. The site, originally built in 1992 was designed to treat Bath and Artesia Wells’ iron and manganese levels. As it goes with time, the plant is now beyond its operational lifespan and San Jacinto wants to replace and modernize the facility. The modernization will increase its treatment capacity to 2,500 gallons per minute and minimum treatment levels of 200ug/L for iron and 200ug/L for manganese.
Leading this effort will be Shem Hawes, PE, Project Manager with W. David Byrum, PE, Principal-in-Charge and Quality Assurance/Quality Control manager. Other team members involved in this effort will include Steven Walker, PE, Project Engineer, Sanjay Kumar Verma, PE, Structural Engineer, and Heber Torres, PE, Electrical Engineer.
The project is expected to start in August 2022 and be completed in June 2023 with construction expected to begin in June 2023 and be completed in June 2025. Check back for more news on how this project will develop over time.